Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon's Best Moments From Their ''Feud''

In a 2013 interview with NPR, Kimmel recalled starting the tradition.

"We had a bad show...The guests were bad, and I was feeling pretty bad about myself at the end of the program. And I decided to say, for the amusement of one of our producers who was standing next to me...'I want to apologize to Matt Damon. We ran out of time,'" he said. "And he got a kick out of it, the producer, so I just started doing it every night to amuse him."

"Matt Damon was just the first name that popped into my head. I was trying to think of an A-list star, and somebody we absolutely would not bump if he was on the show," Kimmel said.

Damon finally did appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live! for a primetime special in 2006. Of course, as soon as he sat down on the couch, they...ran out of time.

"When he did a prime-time thing, I went on, and the joke was that he took so long introducing me that by the time I got on, we were out of time," Damon told Parade magazine in 2011. "So we got into a fake fight."
